Sunday, 15 July 2012

Magic Mike - Like Pretty Woman but not fancy enough for a piano scene

So, look at me posting two days in a row!! How fancy. Well perhaps not so fancy when you hear what I just did. That's right girls (and possibly some guys) I just went to see Magic Mike. If you are the only hot blooded female on the planet who has not yet heard about this movie...well, are you in for a treat!! Have you ever wished Channing Tatum would just get his kit off already? Are you, like me, a die hard True Blood fan and want more than anything for Alcide and Sookie to get it on so you can see him in the buff? Or are you just curious to see if the rumour that Matthew Mcconaughey doesn't shower for months at a time is true? Whatever your twisted little fantasy, it is played out for you in all its big screen glory. And girls you will not be the bodies at least. The story as we all guessed it would be, is pretty mediocre. I wont ruin it for you, but a lot of stuff seems to just go unanswered, which always really annoys me. However, the main point of this is that I don't really like cheese, but would do pretty much anything to grate the stuff off of those guys abs. Holy 8 pack.

Anyway, this post is not just about my secret lustings over the large upper bodied males of this world - although at one point I did whisper to my friend that I wholeheartedly understood why some men were gay - but is instead my subtle way of pointing out how to dress like a hooker without being one. No kids, I have not started buying everything from those creepy stores in London that have most of the window covered and that you can smell the shame from when you walk past them. What I am actually suggesting is that perhaps these little non-vampire night-time lovers have lent us a thing or two...namely studs, leather and peek-a-boo panels. Read on and all shall be revealed ... literally.


Republic have got this down... dresses, tops, shoes, bags. All studded to perfection. Pick them up for a fabulous price as you don't need to work very hard to get them. Basically, you can (luckily) stick to the day job. Dress - Miso @ Republic (£15 in the sale!!), Sweater - Crafted @ Republic (£30) and Bag - Crafted @ Republic (£20).

 Leather and Latex:

Cher has never been afraid of a little leather, Stella McCartney loves the fake stuff and Katy Perry has firmly brought latex out of the bedroom, so what are you waiting for? Grab your thigh high boots, don a leather American Letterman style bomber over your LBD and head out to the work. Oh so slippery chic.

For those of you who can afford such things, Atsuko Kudo is officially my new obsession. How can latex be made to look like lace? I don't care, but I want it. Look at the blog if you don't believe me that everyone worth knowing is as obsessed as I am ...
This dress is currently at the V&A Ballgowns exhibition - if you haven't already been...why???

Peek-A-Boo, I See You:
My mother always used to laugh at me because when I was younger I used to shout "I can see her underwear" whenever I watched a ballet... Luckily I have grown up and now show my own underwear in sheer blouses and lace dresses. Dress - Zara (£29.99 in the sale!), T-Shirt - Zara (£25.99)

Animal Print:
Too much of it and you look like Cat from Eastenders. The purrfect (see what I did there!) amount and you will have Magic Mike himself pawing at your kitten heels (seriously how am I so funny).

This is the most fabulous thing I have ever seen. Yes it is Nanette Lepore. Yes it is coloured animal print. Yes it is called the Firefly dress. Yes I want it. Dress - Nanette Lepore ($348)

violet multi
So happy hunting street walkers. Remember you can class anything up with Richard Gere on your arm. And if we haven't learnt that from Pretty Woman, we have learnt nothing at all.

Becky xxx

Saturday, 14 July 2012

If you were a soup, what kind of soup would you be?


It has been a long LONG time since we last spoke and for that I am truly sorry. Please just remember that I am currently working long hours trying to change the world, improve people's live and spread happiness. Yes folks, fashion PR is that demanding. But as I lie here in bed (DO NOT comment on the fact it is post 3pm) I think it is perhaps time to resume my writing. I took a 2 month hiatus because work was busy and I wasnt enjoying writing as much as I had been. Now however I am here to write for you again and embarrass myself even further. So how to win back your hearts? By throwing myself to the lions. I will now dedicate this post to... internet dating.

It seems a booming fashion career severely impacts on your chances of finding a fella ... unless you are a fella looking for a fella... So after a month or so of complaining to my lovely house-mate Kate that I was NEVER going to find a man in a city which hosts a rather large population of them, she made a suggestion. Internet dating. I laughed at her and carried on riding my high horse. But once a seed is planted my friends, all of a sudden you are living high up in a oakwood and someone has carved e-Harmony into it...

I carried this little gem of an idea around with me for a few days and asked a select group of London friends what they thought of the idea, already bracing myself to become the laughing stock for evening suggesting it. But guess what? It turns out everyone is on them. In fact I am pretty sure you can't get into some London nightclubs unless you are on one. How had I lived in London for three months without one they asked? So one night I decided to see what it was about. Creating a profile is the most cringe-worthy experience ever. These people don't know you and so everything you say makes you sound like a douschebag:

"I like going out with friends" = Heavy drinker.
"All my girlfriends have been younger than me" = Paedophile.
"Some college" = dropout.
"I like to go to the gym 7 days a week" = Delusional/Fat/Liar/Obsessed with mirror image of self.
"Musician" = Stoner.
"I like to walk everywhere" = Cant afford a car.
"My friends say I am a good laugh" = Your friends use you to buy rounds.
"I am training to be a doctor/physicist/dolphin trainer..." - Girls dig that right?

You also have to write a strapline - my post title is one I stole from a guy on the website. What does it even mean? I love it. Other good ones include... "Good sense of hummus" and "I'd be great in a zombie apocalypse" bad ones include "I'll be your Mr Gray" - dude you look like a murderer and "Are you looking for me?" - only if you have the phone number of Prince Harry.

So keep it short and sweet. Who am I kidding, my profile is an autobiography of my life. Once that is written you put down what you are looking for - Dating, relationship, long term, marriage, friendship, intimate encounter (????) Then add your profile pictures:

Photo of you in your bedroom - I have just taken this right now
Photo of you drunk - I have a drinking problem and thinks its cool to show you
No top on (boys...) and face not showing in profile - I look like the back end of a donkey but hope my cheese grater abs make you forget that
Posing - I think i'm Christina Aguilera/Tom Cruise
You with your ex - This is what I am looking for/I havent always been on a dating website
You with a child - Dude been on too many dates

And then upload!! People start messaging you, asking to meet you. All of them look like they belong in prison. You ignore 99%. You forget some men are actually good looking and message back to the ones who would look alright at the cinema with you - if it was dark... and you were looking at the screen. The messages you receive are RIDICULOUS. My favourite ever..."Hi BECKY, I like the look of your profile and thought I would start with an easy question to get us, what's your name?" Other great messages I have received:

"Is a Jaffa Cake a cake or a biscuit"
"Come here often?"
"Why wont you message me back? I'm not interested in you anyway. You think I'm ugly dont you?" (The Block button has been used often...)
"My apartment smells like leather and I eat a lot of cheese"

There are many more. Mostly they dont make sense. A lot of "Hi, how are you? Good weekend/day/evening?" Oh it was good thanks! And I am sure it was good for the 17,000 other girls you have written that message to. You will not be getting a reply.

Telling people you are on a dating website is hilarious. The reactions range from SHOCK HORROR to a hearty pat on the back. My Dad thought it was the funniest thing he had ever heard. My brother told me 50% of couples meet through dating websites. My mother has all but installed a barbed wire around my house to stop me from leaving and going on a date with what she has decided are Fred West re-incarnated and using a dating website...

So there you have it. Web dating in a nutshell. I dont really go on my profile anymore because the whole thing has lost its shine in less than a month ...and I have lost all faith I had in the male species. No I do not want to watch you work out, but thank you so much for asking. Anyway, try it for yourselves, it is pretty funny and a great way to meet people. Be nice to others and hope they are nice back. Dont put yourself in a dangerous position - meet in a crowded place, dont give out personal details, dont let them pick you up/drive you home. Just be smart. And also before you judge just ask your friend's what they think...because I have seen most of them on there. Gloucester, you are most certainly looking for love ;-)

Lots of love to you all!

Becky xxx

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

For those of you who always ask.

Today is going to be a slightly different post than normal...for all of you saying "different because you have actually written one?"...well touche to you pussycats. But no, it will be different because it is not directly about fashion, or jobs, or London. It is about America.

For those of you who don't know, I went to university in Saint Paul, Minnesota; a state large enough to fit the entirety of England in...and a good deal more. In just 10 days time it will be one whole year since I graduated from Saint Catherine University. For those of you who know me, it perhaps will be as surprising to you as it is to me that this long time has passed. Especially if you are one of the wonderful people I have left behind in MN. You might now be wondering why I am writing this. Basically, the reason is, because I never have. I have been literally inundated with "what was it like", "who did you meet", "do you eat donuts for breakfast" and all other manner of questions, which I have always answered with "amazing", "so many wonderful people" and "no, get a grip". I know for many of you who have been on the end of these questions, you wonder why I give such short and non informational answers. The truth I guess will be written here. Everything you have ever wanted to know. So for those of you who tell me you want to go to uni in America or for those of you who just (even after a year) ask, this is for you... As with all good stories I will start with the bad.

America was the most wonderful experience of my life, everyday was a blessing, every friendship a lifeline and every class an inspiration. Flowers and hugs and love all round? Not quite. It was also the most heart breaking time of my life, filled with so much stress, worry and confusion that I could easily have been having a three year breakdown. Please do not get me wrong, I would not give even one single day back of my American life, but I want all of you to realise - especially those of you who want to go there yourself - that it was and will likely be the hardest thing I ever did.

 - How much do you love your parents? Your best friend? Your boyfriend? Your cat? A lot?? Well I loved or cared for a variation of each of these things a ridiculous amount. Now imagine yourself going to uni. You are sad, you will miss them, but if you want to Cardiff, Brighton or even Edinburgh are not so far that you cant come home. I was 9 hours plane. Then 3 by car when off the plane. If I felt unwell, if I felt sad or if I just wanted to hug my family - not happening. 4 months is a LONG time to not see anyone you know or love. My whole life was misplaced in the space of a day and I knew I wouldnt get it back for 4 months; perhaps even properly for 3 years. The first night I was there I cried for a long time and then continued to cry for many more weeks... secretly of course because I had a room-mate. Those first three months I was adamant I had made a mistake and would return; return to somethings that I ended up losing because of being away for 3 years. Things I still miss.

 - During my three years I fell out with pretty much all of my English friends at least once. It is hard to be so close with people, move away and then feel they dont understand you or they feel you dont understand them. There were points in my life where I had two sets of friends (UK/USA) and felt more lonely than if I had none. What you have to understand is I was living 2 completely separate lives which NEVER crossed. So when I returned to either one after being in the other, I felt fractured, disjointed. Also, generally American humour is not like ours so I didnt laugh - really laugh - for a very long time. That didnt help things.

 - Also between my parents they spent the equivalent of buying a small house in England over the three year period on my American experience - not rent, BUY. For someone like me, that stressed me out. It also made me angry at students in this country who were spending 1/10th of what we were and were complaining. I got no loan in this country or America - not because my parents were rich, but because England had no reason to help me once I left and neither did America as a non-citizen. I am NOT complaining as it was MY choice to go to the U.S but im just saying, it wasnt cheap... Do not get me wrong, all of my friends went to uni in England so I am not being rude about the costs of this country, I understand it is hard, but perhaps it shows why part of the time I was distant from them. We didnt understand each other.

 - Minnesota could get to 40 the day. And did once. I was someone who rarely got sick. I got VERY sick in MN. Every year. Food poisoning 3 times. Glandular fever once. In March 2011 I got pneumonia, an ear infection and a sinus infection in one go. Hands up those of you who hated being around me then. Sarah Walstrom im looking at you... Haha!

 - You have to take math, science, english, a language, IT, PE!!!! and a whole range of other stuff. Stuff you were sure you had found your way out of in highschool, stuff you used to have nightmares about....oh thats right, it comes back and bites you in the butt... And it expects you to get a good grade while its biting you. Dont be thinking American uni is all tanned hormone filled football players and their cheerleaders. Because if you spend too much time thinking about that, you wont have time to study for maths.

 - I got so stressed on a monthly basis I would cry and tell everyone I was going home. This didnt happen luckily. Unfortunately I did get little sleep and was moody a lot. I thank all the room-mates over the years for putting up with me. During my worst stress period I cried in a professor's office, told her she expected too much of me, threw some stuff and then Alex had to go apologise. Whats life without a little drama heh?

Perhaps I should stop with the sad things now, although I could go on for longer. Instead I will share the good, of which there were also many.


Every single day I hurt because of how much I miss America. My American life. My American family. This doesnt sound happy, but it shows how much I eventually loved it. Here are the reasons why:

The Barnards - Tom, Kath, Andy and Alex (ohhhhhh Alex). Have you ever had a friend you would laugh so hard with you thought you had broken a rib? Cried so much in front of they thought you had broken tear ducts? Told the most private and ridiculous things to? Held hands with? Did yoga with? Sang with? Danced with? Ate quinoa with? And loved more than a private plane on the way to the Hamptons? Well I do - her name is Alex and the above things happened on a daily basis. I truly believe people have soul mates and they arent necessarily the people you will marry, date, end up with. Alex HAS to be mine. There is no other explanation for the ridiculous way we lived our lives, laughing, fighting and eating bagles. I was lucky enough that Alex shared her family with me. A family I have no qualms in now calling my own. I love her parents like I love my own. They fed me dinner, took me on holidays, looked after me during illness, sadness or when I was lonely, included me in everything ... and introduced me to Vince Vaughn. You know, parent stuff. They are people I will expect to be at my wedding. People I will miss more on their birthdays. People I often just wish I was around. They are lifetimers in the Becky show...sorry guys. I love you all more than Andy loves candy. That's a stupid amount. I wouldnt have survived America or turned out the way I did without you guys. You are a special family. My family! Thank you!!
Sometimes Alex was a Ronson and I was a Lohan, what of it?

Me and Alex

Kathy & Jim, Ariana and their family - I have no doubt I would be a lot skinnier and have seen less movies if I didnt know these guys. Family friends since birth, Becky feeders for life. I wouldnt have survived my first four months without them.... and perhaps the 19 million illnesses after that. You are truly amazing people and I miss you and your house and your kindness. I love you all!

The food - Most of you are laughing because you know I am seriously addicted to food - yes Alex everything but cheese, water, nuts, wine, pickles..... But have you ever eaten Buffalo Wild Wings whilst watching a football game on a big screen? Eaten a cinnamon bun at midnight in Perkins with your room-mate who is having life troubles? Watched a Korean girl eat noodles in her sleep - oh Sohee we love you. My life is dictated and remembered through food. The first time I really felt part of the Barnard family - eating with them at the friends and family opening of La Grassa. Eating bagels with Alex. Turkey dinners with Chelsea. Pizza with Becky. Life shouldnt be about dieting. It should be about drinking Mountain Dew and eating puppy chow until you want to vom.

My degree - you were worth the several solid months of crying, the late nights, the early starts, the MOUNTAIN of papers - at least one 15-30 page paper per class per semester with at least 4-5 classes a semester with a semester lasting 4 it. out. When I walked across the stage, heard my friends whoop and knew my Dad was there - lets just say it was worth it.

Cleanses - If you were involved in these I am SORRY that I put you all through that. You will be glad to know I still inflict this on the English folk. My favourite ever line from Anu in front of class "Becky have you lost weight??" Me: "Yes" Friend: "She is only eating carrots" Anu: "Come on now...tell the class what sort of carrots".

New words - I now say pants instead of trousers, SKEDule instead of schedule, school instead of uni and other fun things. Deal with it. At least I havent told you I think in an American accent....oops.

Memories - I will never forget watching Alex dance to Dr Suess. I will never forget watching Sohee finish a family bucket of chicken after a chinese meal. I will never forget Katwalk. I will never forget Vegas. I will never forget the fights. I will never forget the love. I will NEVER forget my friends turning up to a surprise party thrown for me by Alex. I will cherish all of those memories forever.

Friends - Without you I would have packed up my stuff and been another college drop out. You are all insane but I wouldnt have you any other way. The room-mates, the shopping friends, the HNRLP. The friends I ate with, drank with, danced with. All of you I laughed with and most likely cried with. You are a wonderful set of human beings and I am proud to be your friends!

Friendship at its finest - on my birthday with a heavily pregnant Chels and crew.
So there is just 1/100th of the things I felt during my time there. I have perhaps never explained to you, because I couldnt. If you werent there you cant understand. I now feel like half of me is missing and im not sure how to get it back. All I know is that I would take the America risk 100 times over and still come out smiling with a belly full of love....and BDubs...


Monday, 7 May 2012

Tell Someone You Love Them


A few of my friends have been asking me about dresses lately - what to buy and from where. So here are what I see as some of the top dress trends. All you need to do is find a lovely boy who is willing to take you out in one! Enjoy.


JAMTHUN - Zip detail dress
Ted Baker £159
Peplums are SO flattering. As I have said before, they hide lumps and bumps if you have any, but also create an hourglass shape if you don't have one... Kate Middleton was just spotted wearing one to the African Cats premier she attended with Prince William. Endorsed by the most beautiful woman in Britain... hanging in every single one of our wardrobes.


French Connection £160

Tie Dye is a HUGE trend at the moment, but I know it can leave you wondering whether or not you will look like a hippy. If that is the fear buy something subtle and beautiful like this French Connection dress - being 100% silk, dip dye, floaty and stunning, the last thing people will expect you to do is braid your hair and stop shaving. Although...


Lace Dress Coral
Matalan £25
The lace dress has been in for a while and will continue for another season. Perhaps because it is feminine and flattering, perhaps just because we all have a weird desire to wear things that our nan tells us she could make. Either way, they are the thing of the moment. I love colourful lace, such as this coral number from Matalan, but I am also all about the ones with contrasting fabric underneath. Play around with what you can find. If you are a skilled seamstress, or just happen to like a bit of Gok Wan, remove the under layer of your lace dress and wear with long colourful vest tops/dresses in contrasting colours. That will show your Nan...bless her.



River Island £100
The flapper dress is all about flamboyance, luxury and extravagance. Its about hearing the beads click together when you twirl, its about having a boyish figure and its about dancing like you were in 20s Paris. I have shown you here that this is a HOT designer trend at the moment as well...and if like me you can't afford the oh so lovely Gucci version, well River Island will work just as perfectly. Would I like to dance? Merci Monsieur.


The Kooples 175 Euros

Basically you need to get yourself a dress with tiny holes in it.... If you are a pretty girl next door type, broderie anglaise is perfect for you as it is small dainty patterns made out of holes that have been cut and sewn in fabric. If you are a little more daring try laser cut pieces which can see any shape, size or pattern being cut into most materials. Either way wear something contrasting  underneath if there is the option for such. Dazzle in this will be a HOLE lot of fun. Oh, stop. I also chose a The Kooples dress because they are a fabulous brand that I have been in love with for a good while now. They are all about gorgeous his and her's tailoring...and my life dream is to become a part of a Kooples Couple. There, I said it. ALSO, BIG NEWS!!! They are opening a new store in Cheltenham where Crabtree and Evelyn used to be. Thank you Kooples, it is like Christmas but with less drunk relatives.... oh wait Pete Doherty is their newest spokesman...


Firetrap £95 (House of Fraser)
Dresses with uneven hems all the way round or cascading hems from front to back are fabulous. If you have shorter thicker legs get the dresses with longer backs and shorter fronts because this will create the longer leg illusion. So chic, I might cry....a cascade of tears. (PS - I heart the print on this Firetrap dress also).


Anthropologie £128
The full skirt look works for your retro Americana as seen at Prada and the likes, but also for my all time fav...the 50s housewife; as per this gorge creature above. Feel pretty, girly and feminine in this creation, but dont go all creepy housewife from The Help. Cat-eye sunglasses, some cute retro hair and a wee Chanel quilted bag is all you really need for that guy you've had your eye on to tell you that you are just swell. (PS - I have just been informed that Lauren Conrad has put this dress on her blog as well today - thought I should come back and tell you that I am pretty much the bees knees.)

Dresses that are always in for this season and perhaps forever....floral, maxi, one shoulder, pastel, neon (SUBTLE dont dress like a highlighter) and as always the LBD.

I just want to say that yesterday was a sad day for many in Gloucester as a local rugby player died aged only in his early twenties. I did not know this person, but I know some of his team-mates and a few of his friends. Due to this I just want to say to you all that life is hard, painful and at times you may think it is not worth what you put in, but remember you only get one chance. You may be lucky and live to 100 or, like Dominic fate may have other plans for you. Either way just remember the argument you had with your boyfriend/girlfriend/parents/sibling and understand it was pointless. Tell each person in your life that you love them, everyday if possible, because life is a gift and it is one we all are too quick to take for granted. I appreciate every single one of you taking time to read my blog and for those of you who are family or friends, I love you dearly. For those of you who have just stopped by for a quick read, thank you, I appreciate your kindness and hope there is someone sitting next to you who will tell you they love you too.

Best Wishes,
Becky xxx

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Dress Like Victoria Beckham ....but by spending a lot less cash and eating a lot more burgers.


How is everyone?? I took a little break from blogging because working is hard and I was tired when I got home...welcome to the real world right? But I am back and ready to annoy you all again. I had a wonderful birthday filled with friendship and love. I received a camera so I can take pictures of stuff I think is cool. To start with, I bought a few random pieces of clothing and will show you them!!

Top left is a really colourful tribal skirt!! It was from New Look and I believe was about £15. It looks so cute with a white sheer shirt or a champagne coloured sheer shirt tucked in!! Loads of gold jewellery and tan wedges??? Oh, go on then. The maxi skirt is a gorgeous orange and is from none other than my love - Tesco. £12 I think and the quality is wonderful. I wore this with a yellow and white polka dot top and brown ballet flats. Finally the two little things underneath are a black and (although it looks salmon) neon pink boob bandeau!! These are a god send!! I may be a little slow on the uptake, but finally I have arrived at the boob bandeau platform. I LOVE sheer shirts with bras showing sexy. BUT, some of us have slightly larger...assets.... than others and a bra on show could be a little terrifying. So instead invest in a couple of these (£2.99 from New Look). They can also be worn under baggy vest tops and things with low armholes. So cute under white sheer shirts though. Just adds that pop of colour needed!!

Also I bought a dress from the H&M Concious Collection. It was a bargain at £14.99 and is made of Lyocell - an eco-friendly manufactured fibre. The collection is really cute so if you havent looked yet...well what are you waiting for?!!!!

I made a completely ridiculous birthday list of things I would never hope to get: Louboutins, Chloe bag, Burberry trench, Louis Vuitton luggage. You know, the staples. It made me think. Am I going to go through life wishing I owned all the designer things I want, get really depressed that I dont have them and spend a substantially amount of money...and shame...eating and crying into a Terry's Chocolate Orange?? NO!!! Well hopefully not. Instead I have been looking up high street copies of all the things I want and dear friends, I will share them with you. Here are my favourites...

Mirror Print Tee In BlackStella McCartney

(Left) Matalan £14 vs (Right) Stella McCartney £955.
Mirror print is so in right now - Stella does the cutest pair of trousers and a top to go with this as well....

Victoria, Victoria Beckham

(L) Asda £8 vs (R) Victoria, Victoria Beckham £950 (Net-A-Porter).
Another great print, with just a slight variation in price...ahem. Bring a whole new meaning to crazy cat lady.

Christian Louboutin
(L) Topshop £28 studded slippers vs (R) Louboutin (Net-A-Porter) £635.
Everyone has studded everything. Dont get left behind as the only one who doesnt go off when walking through the metal detector at the airport.

Image 4 of ASOS Cropped Trousers in Paisley PrintJil Sander

(Top) ASOS £35 vs (Bottom) Jil Sander £1,540
The ASOS trousers HAVE to be mine. I will buy them and I will love them more than anything. Like Kate Moss said - nothing tastes as good as paisley print feels...or something along those lines.

PRINTED DRESSBalalaika floral dress

(Top) Zara £39.99 vs the oh so lovely (Bottom) Mary Katrantzou £1,105
I am her greatest fan and I would give the earth to have a piece of her clothing (literally it costs the earth) BUT you can find a whole host of Mary-a-likes at Zara. So look there and try not to cry too much when you walk past the neighbour you have that grows pretty flowers that remind you of MK's SS12 collection. Sigh. You will be mine, oh yes, you will be mine.

And those are my favs at the moment. Look hard enough and you can always find a good look-alike. Its all about being a ruthless...and penniless (boo) shopper. I will bring you more as and when I discover them.

Some tidbits for today before I go:
- In A/W look out for metal toed heels and pumps a la Chanel as these are an extension of the lady-like trend happening at the moment.
- Also look out for heels with see through sides as Beyonce was pictured wearing. These were in a few years ago and I had a gorge pair from New Look, which of course I gave away thinking they would never come back into fashion again. Alas, even I make mistakes.
- Tulisa was voted FHMs sexiest woman... think of this what you may, but she has taken a lot on the chin recently....
- Preen, Jenny Packham (pretty much 50% of Kate Middleton's wardrobe is by JP) and Roksanda Illincic (Colleen Rooney was seen wearing their 'it' dress of the season to the horse racing - it was hot pink and had massive sleeves) have all either done recently or are about to launch collections for Debenhams. They join the likes of Matthew Williamson who has been there for a good while now. Remember that collections such as these sell out quickly so keep your eyes peeled. They are not as heavily advertised as collaborations with H&M etc, so you have to do your research. Or wait for me to tell you and then buy me a gift as a thank you!!
- Tomorrow is voting day!! Remember to make sure you vote for someone you care about or not at all!! Dont just guess as we could end up with some nut job!! Remember fashion is only as pretty as the prime minister's wife that wears it...

Hope you all have had a good day!
Night xx

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Aquascutum in Administration

Just a quick post for those of you who like me, have always had a soft spot for Aquascutum. Sadly, this quaint, well-known brand went into administration today =( Read more about it on the BBC website

They reported losses of £24 million last year, so its not much of a shock. I hope someone buys them out!! "Founded in 1851, Aquascutum's clothes have been worn by Cary Grant, Humphrey Bogart and the Queen Mother" (BBC). It's just such a shame that an institution such as this, may come to an end.. I am guessing someone will come along to save the day, but try to pick up any pieces you can find now - eBay, charity stores, whatever. I am sure when the pieces hit the vintage market (if you dont happen to have some 25 years + pieces already) they will be worth a fortune. Everyone loves a good defunct fashion house.

The house is well known for its suits, tailoring and the perfect trench coats. Indeed Burberry must have enjoyed a little the knowledge that one of their main trench coat competitors will likely not see another season.

Here are some current pieces for those of you who have not heard of the brand before (all available at It is a mixture of Burberry and countryside wealth chic:

Quilted Jacket

Monday, 16 April 2012

Secretly Danny from The Script is the love child of Kevin Webster from Coronation Street and Kevin Bridges.

Now many of you may be in an uproar about what I just said. Lets just have a quick look at the evidence...

Danny has some sort of mullet going on.....So did Kevin in Corrie in the early stages of his career....he blates would still have one now if all his hair hadn't receded after the trauma of Sally leaving him for the 19th time.

Danny is Irish....a mixture of Scottish and Cockney accents perhaps? I think so.

Danny lacks confidence on The Voice and looks to everyone else to see what they are doing....comedians are notoriously lacking in self confidence and Kevin Webster would be wrong to be confident about anything.

Danny has the same face as Kevin Bridges but younger and a bit more attractive.

Anyone/all of these men wish they were lesbians.

Kevin Webster PLUS...
Kevin Bridges EQUALS...

Danny O Donoghue Danny O'Donoghue attends the launch of 'The Voice UK' at Soho Hotel on February 24, 2012 in London, England.
 Oh Danny what a lovely pair of Kevin dads you have. I rest my case.

In more important news it is my 23rd birthday on Saturday!!! People keep asking if I feel old. No. I'm going to be 23 when did that become old? I am just grateful I am past the age where I can be forced into partaking in the Hunger Games. Although Peeta can rub Vaseline into my head knife wound anytime he wants to. Maybe he should use less of the stuff on his hair though...just a thought. Anyway, for this wonderful birthday I should be finally getting a camera (my parents have not refused to buy me one before this, I have just not wanted one)...blogging peer pressure means I need one to show you things I am wearing and other weird stuff you will probably be confused about. So that's something to look forward to.

One of the things I feel it is my duty to show you when I have this camera is what NOT to wear on a night out. My wonderful best friend Becky turned 23 on Saturday and we danced the night away to celebrate. It was magical, couldn't have been better, no way it could've been ruined....except for the girl next to us wearing a shoe lace and nothing else. Or the girl who thought we wanted to see her thong (please note these references are not directed of any of the people we were out with). So to just clear some stuff up, don't wear it if you have to ask yourself or your friends if it is appropriate due to it being too low cut, too short, too tight or just a complete cat vomit mess... Here are my suggestions for nights out on the town looking seductive and fashionable but not causing grounds for indecent exposure.

This dress is just £12.99 and is all the shine you would ever need! Lets just tick off the trends....pleated, gold, skirt of differing lengths.... For this price you can't go wrong...and I cant see a misplaced boob in sight.

After telling you the best high street prints in my last blog...pick up this pair of scarf print shorts from Zara for £34.99 and team with heels. A fashion trend bonanza on a night out!

Sequin skirt that is reminiscent of shells....two trends one (slightly high but totes worth it) price. £175 from AllSaints.

Bali Geo Top.

For all of you, like me, who like to wear black on a night out, but wish it had a little something more to it, look no further than this top with printed sleeves from Warehouse for £38. Would look the most cute tucked into a sequin skirt or scarf shorts....oh wait!!!!

Jumpsuit from Ted Baker £179. This has cheeky cut out back detailing and is silk. I want it. It's a shame I am short and would look like a convict in it. I don't care. I will buy it anyway. Fancy convict.

Pink Pattern (Pink) Pink Monet Floral Clutch Bag | 247031979 | New LookBlack Pattern (Black) Black Monet Floral Clutch Bag | 247031909 | New Look

Who said an evening clutch had to be black or boring?? £12.99 from New Look

Multi Layered Occasion Platform HeelsTwo Tone Cut Out PlatformHeeled Chelsea Boot

Finally look no further than Matalan for your shoes (£18 for both pairs of shoes and £20 for boots). These are stocked in local stores and not just London so make sure to go take a look. If a girl is wearing the right shoes....she can walk away from the creepy boy giving her the eye.

Hope this has helped my little friends!! Please help those less fortunate than you by telling them if they look crazy and showing them my blog. If you are one of those are welcome.


Tuesday, 10 April 2012

'Prints' Charming and His 'Eggselent' Followers

Hello Over Indulged Friends!!

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter, spending time with friends and family....and eating everything egg shaped in sight. I partook in the frivolous and ate and drank with friends and I partook in the meaningful, visiting Gloucester Cathedral which held a floral tribute to my late grandfather and many others friends and relatives past. Easter was therefore particularly emotional for me. But my dear friends, I am ashamed to say it was not only the marking of another Easter without my grandfather that made me a little down in the mouth. No, it was also that APPARENTLY, when you hit 22, people stop getting you Easter eggs. Ummmm, this has to be against civil rights??? I am sorry but the excuse that we now know the Easter Bunny isn't real, doesn't really fly with me. I know that half of Glos are carrying faux designer bags but I am not allowed to rip those poorly stitched Lukey Vuittons and Birdberry pieces out of their hands and set them on fire (the bags, not the people...) which to me seems the same sort of situation. My lovely Mother bought me a little selection of eggs from M&S which were delightful, my wonderful Father bought me a large egg, my Nan gave me an egg with a medal (also made of choc) and my other Nana made 2 chocolate cakes over the weekend on the "off chance" I would pop round....I did, three times. So I suppose you cannot compare my lack of chocolate to that of a third world resident, BUT, what happened to the times when your parents gave you 12 Easter eggs (with you managing to keep those bad boys going until mid July), a Steps CD and £20 to boot??? As I get older I find chocolate has become more of a necessity - especially since that study was brought out which says those that eat choc regularly are more likely to lose weight than those that don't - so I am pretty sure more eggs should exchange hands rather than less. I keep hearing the old chestnut that "22 is too old for Easter eggs" which I until today completely disagreed with... With my lack of choc causing a rumbly tumbly I bought some Love Hearts - old school cool - which like in the good old days I read before eating: "Be Mine", "Love You", "Fax Me" - obvi a 90s cast off. I kid you not when I say this though, at least 1/3 of the packet were "Grow Up". A short, sharp, chocolateless shock to the system. I think I'll stick to sweets that don't talk back next time. I hope you all enjoyed whatever sugary delight you got.

Now being in love with prints as I am and the fact there are SO many available at the moment in all different colours and patterns, I thought I would bring you my top ten. At least if you didnt get any choc this Easter you will be able to fit into these beauties...(Blurbs for each piece underneath image)

Long Sleeve Scarf Print Blouse
Matalan Scarf Print Blouse £16,brand
Scarf Print: So in for S/S - all the celebs are wearing scarf print dresses, skirts and blouses. Team this shirt with denim shorts, a black maxi skirt or another daring print if you are brave enough!! This blouse manages to hit two trends with the scarf print and the fact it's sheer. Matalan has so much great stuff this season so look to them for other trends that wont break the bank!

H&M Striped Blazer £24.99
Stripes: You cant go wrong with a good striped blazer - well actually make sure the stripes aren't two thick, you don't want to look like Beetlejuice... Its a good staple for jeans and a tee but can also be worn over an LBD or even for work. Prints don't have to be terrifying or garish, so if you aren't into bright colours or loud patterns, try something like this from H&M.

River Island Yellow Sunflower Print Playsuit £25
Floral Print: Big, bright and bold flower prints are the best way to liven up your summer wardrobe. Team this playsuit with some cute sandals in the day before making an easy transition to night with a black blazer and black wedge boots.

American Apparel Polka Dot Leggings £24
Polka Dot: I love a good polka dot and I love a good legging, so put the two together and what have you got?!! Fashion gold my friends. If you have got a black dress that needs livening up, are one of those fabulously toned people who can wear leggings as trousers or just want to dress like LMFAO then pick these bad boys up. They are my new Spandex crush.

Bird Print Trouser
Oasis Bird Print Trousers £45
Bird Print: I have always loved prints which incorporate animals, birds, fish etc. I think they are so eye-catching as from far away they can look more like a generic pattern; it isn't until you get close that you see the detail. Everyone is celebrating with our winged friends at the moment, so pick up a pair of wide legged trousers, harem pants or these loose fitting beauties and rock out with your chicken out...

Urban Outfitters Renewal O&O Maxi Dress £48
Oriental Prints: This particular dress reminds me of oriental prints on kimonos, rice paper paintings and those gorgeous vases (usually in blue and white). This is a stunning maxi that is definitely a piece to wear to drinks, dinner or a special occasion - and such value for money!! This is possibly my favourite piece of the ten items, it is so simple, yet so beautiful. Check out UO for all your print needs, because lets be honest, they don't really do subtle...

Morphed Tribal Shorts
Topshop Morphed Tribal Shorts £35
Tribal Print: Some of you might be yawning at this because tribal has been around for a while now. What you have to do therefore is find tribal but with a twist, like these shorts! Love the tribal colours, but go for a blurred look, or another pattern to make the trend fresh again. Zigzags are huge at the moment, so try tribal colours in this print for extra va va voom!

alternative view
Warehouse Snake Print Skirt £40
Animal Print: Lets be honest animal print is always going to be around, so we just have to tailor it to the season. This season pleats and snakeskin are in....oh wait! Here is the perfect skirt for pairing with your highest heels and going partying with your friends. You know you want to...

PC12 Bone Swimsuit
House of Holland Bone Swim Suit £75
Crazy Print: At the end of the day be who you want to be and say what you want to say in a print that you love! This says ... look how skinny I've got from lack of Easter eggs....

Pinny Flowers Pointelle Cardigan
Cath Kidston Pinny Cardi £38
Cath Kidston: If all else fails, turn to the queen of prints herself...

So go out and paint the town patterned!
Becky xx