Thursday, 2 February 2012

Do It Like A Brother? or Do It Like Vivienne Westwood?

Dear Unemployed Friends,

I am specifically addressing this to you today as "There IS a light at the end of the tunnel" (to quote one of my favourite musicals, Starlight Express - no I have not taken on a position as Buffy the Buffet car)!!! Yesterday I was called by a company that I REALLY want to intern for and was offered an interview next week - score. Also, I was asked to write a guest post on a local but well known blog. I will not divulge the details of either until (hopefully) the internship is awarded and (hopefully) the blog piece is published.

So yesterday was a great day. I thought, why not treat myself to more chocolate than the body can handle? Side note - you may notice that this was also my treat when getting turned down for a job, what can I say, there is more than a slight chance I am related to the Vicar of Dibley...we've all watched Sharpe (Sean Bean) whilst eating a Crunchie have we not? Anyway, so as I dance round the aisles of Tesco looking to pick myself up some celebratory chocolate, whilst constantly having to tell passers-by that I am NOT Beyonce (body of Beyonce voice of Michelle McManus you wonder?....or perhaps the other way round after the chocolate run) I freeze in horror.....for that is right my friends I have realised I have a fashion interview in ONE WEEK.

For those of you who are unaware, a fashion interview is completely different to the normal interview. A normal interview you follow the moderate heel, skirt below knee, hair in a bun ritual - basically make your self as un-feminine as possible.You concoct answers about your weaknesses, your past achievements and basically create a SWOT about your life that if you were a fly would send you weak at the knees. In the fashion interview the above could cause you to not even be admitted to the interview room. Do you know what the fashion will be next week, month, year? No? Well I have to be wearing it, talking about it, living it at this interview. Do you know who Felicity Jones is and why she has been crowned 'England's new IT girl'? No? I have to talk about her as if she is my best friend. My hair, nails, shoes, accessories and most of all outfit have to be between the highest fashion statement and someone going for an interview. So I am thinking Madonna on top, Lord Sugar on bottom?? What is this fashion girl to do?

This weekend I will shop as if my life depends on it - and really I suppose it does; happiness anyway. Will my nails and eye make-up match? Will I wear a dress with statement tights or trousers with a statement top? Shall I display my enjoyment of vintage or do I go for fresh off the highstreet, Alexa Chung eat your heart out look? All I can say girls is when we make it and I mean REALLY make it, we will be free, saved. Why is this you ask? Because my fellow fashionistas....Chanel may be expensive, but when you can afford to drop a couple Mulberry suitcases filled with cash, you will realise Chanel makes a suit for every occasion and she is willing, for the right price, to share these wonders with you.

Keep trying.
Becky xx

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