7 months, 9 days, 5 hours and 39 minutes....that is how long it has been since my last post. 40 minutes now... Can you believe it? I certainly can't. This time last year I had just been asked by the lovely JPFestival.com to post for them about horse racing fashion. And in just a few weeks it will be one year since I then went to said horse racing event in a pair of heels even Jordan/Katie Price may have thought were 'a bit much' and decided I would never walk again. Turns out Ladies Day is in fact a WHOLE day (not just clever marketing) and therefore you should dress appropriately...I suggest Uggs....just kidding.
Anyway, I digress, but as you can see I understand there has been a slight pause in entertainment. I would make apologies for not speaking for so long but I have no idea if anyone is still there reading this. In which case I think YOU all should apologise for giving up on me. Please kindly address all 'I'm Awfully Sorry' muffin baskets/truffle boxes/macaroon treats to me and you will be forgiven in due course.
However, you may wonder why I am writing again or in fact, why I stopped in the first place. Well for those of you who were avid readers back when, my fashion internship turned into a fashion job and I just didn't have the energy...or the eyesight...to come home every day and write. But seeing that it has been so long, I feel I owe it to the world - or the few people in Taiwan - to post and to therefore dispel the rumours that I have run off with Ryan Gosling/am Anna Wintour's muse/have been impregnated by one of The Wanted (or whichever boy band we are listening to now). Alas life has not dealt me this hand, but it has certainly dealt me a few other things.
Today my lovely house mate, Kate, and I (PS - this is new Kate, not old Kate; I don't like too much change) decided to descend upon The National Portrait Gallery in Leicester Square. This was post terrible lunch at Cote Restaurant. Yes, I would love my soup with a side of rude...thanks. Anyway, I felt in need of some inspiration as I have not been feeling myself of late, so the NPG seemed like a good idea. There is not a person on earth who can not say the NPG isn't filled with the most exquisite paintings, photos, drawings etc that you have ever seen. From the Tudors to Dame Judi Dench, there is something for everyone. But my oh my, did it make me feel insignificant. We spent a good while looking at Kate Middleton's new portrait, which I loved, but Kate didn't (house-mate Kate that is. I am pretty sure K-Middy thought it was a hoot). It was merely insight into what my life will never be - what most of our lives will never be. I will never have the talent of those artists, just as I am unlikely to ever be called upon by some such artist to paint me. I will never have a 10 year old boy or a 25 year old Italian woman point at a portrait of me and ask why it was that I looked so sad/unsure/ecstatic/pensive/radiant on that particular day. And that my dear friends, makes me feel unusual to say the least.
After the above viewing I walked past The Ritz and looked at their saliva inducing luxury jewellery. Just as I was cursing the fact that the likelihood of some poor chap buying me a ring that would make J-Lo blush (love does cost a thing darling, but it fo sho don't buy taste) was smaller than the ring that I will most likely end up with, a Big Issue seller stopped me and asked...."Would you like to buy the Big Issue ma'am?" MA'AM?????????? I AM 23 YEARS OLD. A SPRING CHICKEN. This as you can perhaps tell has put me a wee bit on edge. I quickly shook my head and scurried off, thinking it is ok Bexter, he didn't mean it, you are still young and vibrant. But then I stop and think that the likes of Cara Delevigne and Rita Ora are merely babies (well they have -2 years on me at least) and yet the whole world knows their name and as Hugh Grant says in Notting Hill "my own mother has trouble remembering mine". So what makes me a little more Bridget Jones and a little less Bridget Bardot? Is it because I like to eat pickle out of the jar? The fact that blue soup is perhaps my speciality? Or alas, that I have always had slightly too much of a crush on the older gentleman (C Firth, H Grant you are list toppers)? What makes it that some of my friends have gyms in their building and the closest I have to that is Kate's brother James staying over? Why have some of my friends got kids, some felt the delicious frothy feeling of a wedding dress on their skin and some bought houses that I would definitely take my shoes off in whilst I find it difficult to remember to shower all the time, haven't even BEEN to a wedding in years and live in an (all-be-it) lovely, but rented house. Once again as is paraphrased from Notting Hill 'as soon as they change the laws Kate and I will marry immediately', but what happens until then? Where is my skiing trip with Prince Harry? My borrowed million dollar necklace from Richard Gere? My terrible perfume line?
On Friday night a group of four friends and I went for a quiet one at Soho Hotel (GREAT bar by the way). There we started talking to a chap who said he would buy us champagne. £4,000 worth of Krug later we were living the high-life, but listening to a man who we have since found out is in the upper regions of the British rich list as he invented something you and I use every single day, complain about his life. Apparently having £250 million in the bank doesn't give you the happiness some may have thought, or even demand the respect. So what is it that we want if it isn't money? Notability? Sex? Beauty? Royalty? Well Anne Boleyn had all of that and look where it got her...just a little head's up...
So my post today is perhaps not funny (I think I will need to get back into the swing of things again) but it is truthful and is something a lot of my friends are going through too. We are in a world where it is no longer ok to be childish, but also no good to be seen as mature. The midlife crisis has firmly presented itself amongst the mid twenties group and we don't have the skills to deal with it. My advice is to stop taking everything so seriously and just enjoy it. Eat more chocolate that the human body can handle, don't care if your hair looks crazy or you feel fat (who are you trying to impress) and take every opportunity that is thrown at you, because life is so much shorter than any of us realise. Oh and PS - if I do bring out a perfume line, buy it, because I still need the money for that Ritz ring.
Becky x
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